Sunday, September 21, 2008


民國 88 年 9 月 21 日清晨 1 時 47 分,台灣南投、臺中縣一帶發生芮氏規模七.三的強烈地震,造成2,415人死亡及11305人受傷,為臺灣百年來最大的地震災難。



光復國中運動場跑道的斷裂隆起錯動明顯,是九二一地震中保存最完整的一段;車籠埔斷層最大抬升量 9.8 公尺,為世界上罕見。


連堅硬的火車軌道都因強震而扭曲,有幸存活下來的人們,更應珍惜所有,活在當下。Cherish everything. Live for the moment. 這兩句話我也對自己說。




Anonymous said...

In remembering 9-21, perhaps some introspection is needed.

There seems a tendency to blame everything on whomever in a position of authority now. Is this a culture imported from the US where everyone is a victim, therefore someone must be held accountable.

For example, in Taiwan, (1) the recent super-typhoon, (2) the tanking of the stock market, and (3) the melamine-tainted milk products have all been blamed on the government for one thing or another. And since (1) God, (2) US (the secondary mortgage crisis) and (3) China (milk) cannot be held directly responsible, the government of Taiwan must therefore bear the brunt. Very strange logic. And tragic, too. The people of Taiwan, throughout the 300+ years of history, have always been strong, tough, resilient, and self-reliant. Now...

No wonder the patients' families misguided by a demand for absolute surgical perfection showed up at your hospital looking for someone (you) to blame.

--Someone observing from a long distance

Anonymous said...

"人類對抗權力的鬥爭 就是記憶與遺忘的鬥爭"
沒房子住 經濟困頓

只是 有多少人記得呢


Anonymous said...

In response to the first friend anonymous, I think the answer is not just about the logic thing or rationale we'll normally refer to in science, but the extremely miserable attitude problem President Ma and his team are now presenting to the people in Taiwan, especially to those 7.56 million people having voted him as the accountable savior.
I think those people in Taiwan should have the second thought now on the lousy new government which has turned out to be actually a BLOODY SHIT with nothing done so far but bluffing and talking!!
I now understand that one can never have a good visual acuity and cannot observe things clearly from a long distance, especially from the countries far away.
God bless Taiwanese!!

Anonymous said...

Visual acuity is based on infinity. Even from a distance, it would seem that a true Taiwanese should take matters upon him/herself, not dwell on miseries. A government is not omnipotent, it cannot take care of everyone's needs. And God save only those who try to save themselves, not everyone. All Taiwanese, whether you like it or not, are on the same boat. Work together.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome to lead your life in Taiwan to learn how lousy and miserable the current government officials are!
NO ONE except the people who live in Taiwan or hold the passports of Taiwan has the rights to comment on what really happened and will happen here!!

Anonymous said...

My apologies to Blinddoc for inadvertently turning a social comment into something political. Nonetheless, permit me to add some more:

That is curious, so Ma and the government officials in Taiwan are as inept as George W Bush and his cronies. So what? Life goes on.

In the Katrina disaster, while the federal and state governments provided much needed assistance, volunteers and donations poured in as well.

In the melamine-tainted pet food crisis, the companies did their own QC and market management with only minimal governmental intervention.

And the stock market crisis? Other than the bail-out, more interestingly is that the investment groups from Japan, Singapore and China are now buying up the failed US institutions, on the cheap.

People in Taiwan can and must put their heads together and figure out something constructive, not just demanding resignations at the Legislature Yuan meetings from whichever party in power, every day. It gets boring. Plus, shaming someone into action (most times, it results in inaction) is not constructive as far as Taiwan's future.

So comments on Taiwan are off-limits to non-Taiwanese and non-Taiwanese passport holders? I be to differ. A problem is a problem which is to be resolved by whomever that cared. Let's see: Korea has just invited world business leaders to be its national consultants. Hongkong and Singapore both pay top dollars to attract exceptional talents from overseas. Without inputs from the outside, the frog can only know a small patch of the sky from the bottom of the well. Plus, it is offensive to many true Taiwanese who for one reason or another are on exile and who cannot apply for a Taiwanese passport.

This being a medical blog, allow me to put forth a question to all physicians: What happened to the Chiang Wei-Shui tradition - no one wants to heal the ills of the society/nation any more?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Ma and his team are a group of retards currently managing Taiwan; life cannot go on like this anymore! That's why we have to ask him to step down someday soon!
When China experienced a big earthquake early this year, Ma and his First Lady showed up on the TV to raise the money for charity, but we just can not believe he did almost nothing to those dead or injured due to a typhoon causing floods of rain and some bridges totally destroyed.
As for the melamine-tainted food, we also cannot believe what actions the Ma government will be undertaking next to counter the issue. The Ministor of Executive Yuan and a task force will be leaving for China to probe about the reasons why and how the food were contaminated, when at the same time US and Singapore governments just simply stopped the milk powders made in China from importing to their countries. One doc of CGMH in toxicology just commented on the Ma government's stupid action as follows: "The ass has been set on fire and severely burnt, never mind now where the fire was from!" warning now the constructive actions to be taken is more important than finding out the reasons why the foods were tainted.
Yes, you're right that Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong had just invited world business leaders to be their national consultants and paid top dollars to attract exceptional talents from overseas. However, Ma and his tema did NONE, NOTHING! That's the big difference and what the main problem is!! People in Taiwan are astonished to learn President Ma is incompetent in managing the current food issue, not to mention the world economic crisis with his limited capability to tackle.
No one can stop you from expressing your feeling about Taiwan and people here, but please never comment on things you see superficially, play God or instruct us of what to do next!!
Sorry for those who are not able to apply for the Tawan passports. However, you're welcome to come over here anytime as a visitor to prove your "visionary" theory. You'll learn you turn out to be the frog down under the well, not us, the people in Taiwan!!!

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight, so the best way to resolve the problems at hand is to quickly get rid of Ma et al (presumably by peaceful means, we hope). And what next? Another group who maybe just as clueless? And after every single official resigns, then what? Don't tell me that Taiwan has unlimited human resources.

Enlighten us - the frogs outside of Taiwan - then.

Anonymous said...

Any team could be better than Ma and his so called "elite" team. Ma's presidency is mainly attributed to his personal good looking appearance, while appearances are deceptive all the time.
Ma's core political theme is to have Taiwan "merged" into China, so YES, we'll have unlimited human resources in the end taking into account the 1.3 billion people from there someday.
I'd like to personally stop it here as I have no time to argue on Ma's miserable government endlessly, and would like to reveal my ID as I normally would.

A Frog Supporting Taiwan's Independence for GOOD

blinddoc said...


Here isn't a medical blog.
It's just a shelter to soothe my sorrow from the hospital and society.

Dear May



Anonymous said...



六.921地震園區 (97年度才加入聯盟的喔)

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blinddoc said...

